Отзывы о школe KINGS Лондон
Всего отзывов о лагерe: 4
5Лагерь Источник: Francisco Majó Portela, Uruguay
Amazing place, amazing people. It's only my second week here but I can assure that it's an extraordinary college!
5Лагерь Источник: Giulio Belviso, Italy
There's not so many things to say about the Kings College of Beckenham...should check out the pictures of this page and see how smiling the students are to understand what a GREAT place that is.
Thank you, thanks for everything.
5Лагерь Источник: Dory Torres Sanchez, Columbia
The most memorable personal and professional experience, Teachers are dynamic, families are friendly, the best way to learn and practice English.
KINGS Лондон
Источник: Илья Милошевич, РоссияThe best college! This is my 4th time here.