Отзывы о школe Am Language School

Адрес: 299 Triq Manwel Dimech, Sliema SLM 1054, Malta, Слима, Северная гавань, Мальта

Всего отзывов о лагерe: 9

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    Am Language School

    Источник: Инна Можайская

    Я ценю свое время, поэтому часто стараюсь объединить несколько дел в одном. Мальта для меня - это море, солнце, отдых, образование, интересные исторические места и, конечно же, люди!

    Я случайно узнала о школе AM Language, и все, что я хотела получить, я нашла в ней. Отличные учителя, сильная техника обучения и дружеская атмосфера. У нас всегда было право на ошибку во время занятий, не было осуждающих взглядов или наказаний. Однако мы точно улучшали свой английский каждый день. Школьная атмосфера помогает процессу обучения.

    Отличные условия для проживания и подготовки к занятиям в квартирах школы. Также мне было важно жить в городе, где много людей из разных стран, возможность узнать от них интересные вещи. Слима - прекрасное место.

    Кроме того, школа организует множество увлекательных поездок по Мальте, историческим местам и островам.

    У меня было много незабываемых поездок.

    Добавлено 18 Октября 2022
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    Am Language School

    Источник: David, Cuba

    Hi, my name is David and I’m 20 years old. I’m from Cuba. Now I’m an English student of AM Language. In these weeks that I have been studying English I feel more comfortable speaking English with my friends. I have met a lot of new friends around the world. I think that the AM Language is the best option to improve your English in short time and have fun in your free time.

    Добавлено 18 Октября 2022
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    Am Language School

    Источник: Alberto, Colombia

    Hi, my name is Alberto, I am from Colombia, I’ve been studying at AM Language since December, it’s almost 6 weeks, time flies.

    I chose Am Language because it was popular and also because the activity program I saw on Facebook was very nice. It is an awesome experience because you meet people from all around the world.

    I started at AM Language at intermediate and now I’m upper. My teacher was Richard, he was a great teacher and also helped me to improve my English. Now, I’m with Sandro. He is the best teacher I’ve met and he also pushes me a lot to improve my skills and become better. The most challenging skill during my course was grammar. The most enjoyable part of my lessons was meeting the different people from all over the world and listening to their experiences.

    I got on very well with my classmates! They were very nice and I learnt something from them as well. I also studied at home!

    The activities were all nice with amazing social coordinators in a perfect atmosphere. Blue Lagoon, Blue Grotto, St. Peter’s Pool, Valletta were some places I visited. I did not know Malta before I arrived, but now I want to stay as long as possible and discover all the secrets

    Добавлено 18 Октября 2022
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    Am Language School

    Источник: Junsei, Japan

    Hello! I’m Junsei Kariya from Japan.

    I’m a student of AM Language and also working as a social coordinator.

    I have been in Malta since the first of July, but my course will be finished next week.

    The reason why I chose this school is that there are few Japanese people so I could get many chances to speak English and meet people from other countries.When I came to Malta my level was Intermediate but now I’m taking the Advanced class.

    Before I came to Malta, I wasn’t good at speaking English but my teacher, Michelle, taught me a lot of practical English and gave speaking practice. So I could improve English a lot. The school gave us lots of activities. I used to join the activities like Football matches and Bowling, visiting landmarks of Malta.

    Now I’m working as a social coordinator. Through this job I could meet a lot of people.

    If you come to Malta and choose this school, I recommend you to join this internship!

    Thank you!

    Добавлено 18 Октября 2022
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    Am Language School

    Источник: Lara, Italy

    I am here to share a goal I achieved thanks to the month I spent in AM Language School. Not only have I met people from different parts of the World and some of them became friends, but also I overcame my fear of speaking English in front of other people. There I really improved my English, as a matter of fact, I was able to pass a test for a Master in an important University here in Italy, which consisted of many english questions and some logic questions. So I’m here saying: I GOT IT! Therefore, it was possible only for the month of English training I spent with AM family, with my fantastic teacher Sandro, with my amazing classmates and every shared moment in the breaks on the terrace of the school.

    All in all I think that I wouldn’t have achieved my goal without all of this.

    So, I want to invite you to experience the AM Language School, you won’t regret it, I promise!

    Добавлено 18 Октября 2022
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    Am Language School

    Источник: Agatha, Spain

    I started in upper intermediate, and I moved to advanced in one and a half/two months. I chose AM Language over other schools mainly for its activity program I found it very interesting. I have had several teachers, starting with Michelle, I really love her she’s so nice and is very patient with us. I have also had Francis on my advanced course, and I have really enjoyed his classes as we talk about current issues. The most challenging skill was learning new vocabulary and apart from enjoying my lessons I have enjoyed meeting people from all over the world. People who are in the same situation as me and it is easy to make friends and help each other. As I said before I chose Am school for its programme of activities, the one I enjoyed the most was the bowling alley because there were a lot of people, we made mixed groups and we cheered each other on when it was our turn, and it was a lot of fun. I couldn’t choose my best experience in Malta, because I have so many, and each day is a new one.

    For people who want to learn English my advice is: watch English series/movies and don’t be afraid to speak English in public, everyone is in the same situation as you, we are learning and you are here to learn and the way to learn is to practice and make mistakes, so come to Malta without thinking about it. And this has been my testimony about my experience in Malta and AM, I hope you like it. Goodbye!

    Добавлено 18 Октября 2022
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    Am Language School

    Источник: Nursu, Turkey

    I’m Nursu I am from Turkey Ankara and I’m 20 years old. AM language really helped me with my English, especially with my speaking (since you get to speak to people from all over the world). I feel much more comfortable with my speaking than I used to. And the activities that the school plans are extremely fun as well. Long story short I love AM language it’s perfect!


    Добавлено 18 Октября 2022
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    Am Language School

    Источник: Alice Gillo, Italy

    The lessons were really interesting, the teacher was always very helpful and the activities beautiful and well organized :)

    Добавлено 18 Октября 2022
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    Am Language School

    Источник: Daniele Bolzoni, Germany

    Dear Mathis, Dear AM Language Studio!!!

    Thanks for all :)

    The experience was beautiful and everybody was very nice. It was easy to learn in an ambientation like that. I would repeat such a great thing again and again.

    Добавлено 18 Октября 2022
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